New to ttc


So im kinda new to all of this. I've tried in the past for a baby with is now an ex boyfriend. I do currently now have a bf we have been together almost a year he is 32 and I am 25 and we have decided to try for a baby. He has 2 children already. We have been trying for roughly 3 months now. I just started seeing a specialist and so far we did blood work and everything came back normal. We are now looking into making sure my tubes are open and not blocked. But cant do that till after my next period. I'm suppose to start in roughly 3 days. Due to family history and having an sti 8 years ago right along with having problems with birth control in the past. Im not so certain that pregnancy is going to happen soon. Im just kinda hoping to find someone kinda like me to go through this journey with or to get any tips or anything. FYI I was treated and cleared and have been from the sti.