Mom babysitting

Jennifer • 💗👶🏻October 9, 2019💗 || 💙👶🏻July 27, 2021💙

My mom has never babysat our daughter. She has mobility limitations and walks with a cane when outside the house. She trips and falls quite a bit, which is why she hasn’t watched her. But, she has been getting much better in the last few months. I have an engagement party to attend next month that is adults only. My husband works that day, so he can’t stay home with our LO. It’s only 20 minutes away and will be about 4 hours long. Should I give my mom and stepdad a try at watching her? My stepdad doesn’t have any limitations so he can do the heavy lifting and help my mom with some of the physically demanding aspects. I’m also 31 weeks pregnant and will be having a scheduled c-section so they will potentially be picking up my daughter from daycare if the birth of our son runs a little later than expected. I feel like our daughter is at a pretty self-sufficient age and it might be time to let my mom help out more, but I’m nervous. What do you all think?