Intense head banging 😫😭

Kelly • Wifey 7.21.18 💍 Dog mom 🐶 👼🏼x1 pregnant with 🌈 due 10.15.19

Hi everyone! My son is 20 months and around a month ago has started hitting his head in the crib HARD. It’s only when we put him down for sleep at night and he has a tantrum over that. He will also wake up a few times in the night in a complete rage and hit his head as hard as he can over and over until my

Husband or I goes into his room to stop it. Everyone has told me to just ignore it, but I’m very worried he is going to really hurt himself. He’s not trying to self soothe, he’s doing it out of frustration and attention. Had anyone ever dealt with this? And if so, how do we help him