I hope you're happy, but don't be happier

Couldn’t describe my feelings more about my ex. We broke it off 4 years ago and I am now happily married to an amazing guy we have an awesome relationship.

My ex was crazy clingy we were on and off again for 10 years before I finally said goodbye and literally erased him from my life, blocked his number, and moved on to better things.

Crazy thing is idk why but I’m oddly finding myself jealous all the sudden. He got a new gf I’ve heard through the grape vine. She’s a med spa owner and is pretty seems wealthy etc I have also heard she’s crazy. I need to stop comparing and I should be happy he’s moved on but the little green guy inside me is kicking and screaming and is a little joyed at the neg things I’ve heard about her. Wtf is wrong with me?! I am never the jealous type! Lol

Anyone have these issues with moving on but not wanting an ex to move on? Maybe if feel better if she was a different person 🙄. Need help getting over this stupid jealousy issue - any mental exercises would help cause it’s weighing me down all the sudden!