LO may have covid 🤦🏻‍♀️

Jennifer • 💗👶🏻October 9, 2019💗 || 💙👶🏻July 27, 2021💙

A kid in my daughter’s class at daycare tested positive for covid yesterday, so now the whole class is shut down. My daughter has had a cold since Sunday morning, so we are getting her tested on Saturday for covid. Hopefully she doesn’t have it and it’s just a cold. But, she has had lots of colds in the past and it has never really impacted her appetite for longer than a day or two. This time around, she has barely eaten anything since Saturday. I’m desperate at this point and will give her anything she requests just to get her to eat something (for instance, she had half a banana, a handful of Cheez-its, and some veggie straws for dinner tonight after she refused literally everything else). Should I continue to just give her whatever she wants just so she eats something while she is sick? I don’t want to create bad habits where she will refuse dinner and get something better but I also need her to eat. I’m worried that it is covid and she has lost her sense of taste and that is causing the lack of appetite. 😓