Breastfeeding and Depression; Need MUCH Advice

My son is 19 months, and we are still breastfeeding. Up to this point everything has been going well, I’ve enjoyed it and really didn’t plan to stop until he turned 2. But lately, he won’t eat anything or drink anything for more then 2 weeks now. He’ll just take a few bites and a few sips.. some days he will eat really well which is why I didnt worry too much. But here is the thing, the days he wouldn’t eat, he’d want to nurse a LOT and I mean 12 times a day. He wakes me up at night wanting “Chiche” which means “breast” in Spanish. He cries and screams and I wake up, up to 5 times a night. I don’t have a new born. I have a 19 month old. I’m exhausted as well due having very serious issues with my mom which has given me depressive states.. which also keeps me up all night and takes away my hunger. My son eats only breast milk and when it’s time to eat he won’t. He also won’t let ME eat. So I’m just really not enjoying breastfeeding. He just plays with my breast and I’m just torn to feel this way bc I loved breast feeding. I’m considering stopping but my mom guilt is up. Should I stop knowing I’m also sad about other things ? Or is it just time either way ? I don’t want to look back and remember that difficulties with my mom causes me to stop what my son and I have always enjoyed. But I’m also torn bc if I’m honest I haven’t gained any weight post part I’m bc my son nurses a lot. I’d like to be able to use a skin care cream bc I haven’t seen my skin clear since he was born. I’d like to have some freedom but the COST of having it just tears me. What should I do ? please help, first time mom here