Crush on my bestfriend


Soooo I have a guy bestfriend and we’ve been bestfriends for like 4+ years now. I’m just now starting to realize I kinda have a thing for him. We just fit so well as friends that I see potential in dating. The problem is he JUST got back together with his ex who he broke up with like maybe a month or two ago. I’m no home wrecker, but I also like to be honest about how I’m feeling. Idk what to do. I’m scared to say anything and don’t even know if I should. What if it ruins our friendship?

Side note: before they broke up he came to me and asked me “how do you let a person know that you don’t see them as your future wife?” He was talking about her. But now that they’re back together I’m confused 😞

Advice anyone?

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Posted at
He has a girlfriend. Leave him alone


K • Jun 25, 2021
I don’t think this commenter was being rude at all, if you can’t handle honesty then don’t make a post 🤦🏼‍♀️


J • Jun 21, 2021
Not even trying to sound mean, giving genuine advice, but I would give it time. He JUST got out of a relationship. Plus, why would you want to be with someone who admits to dating someone they don’t see themselves marrying? How do you know he won’t do the same to you? While you think it’s cool that he broke up with her so you could slide in, I would really think about it…


Amecia • Jun 21, 2021
Lmfao what do you know? They broke up again 😊


Posted at
Leave it alone. He has a girlfriend, whether you think she’s the one or not.


Li • Jun 19, 2021
I’m hurt.


Amecia • Jun 18, 2021
Blocked. Told you to get off my shit


Li • Jun 18, 2021
How did you know? Because it makes sense?


Posted at
Okay so I think if you feel like this will be nagging at you silently in your mind it might be time to be honest with him…just know you might lose him because of him having a girlfriend. I think it would be a weight lifted off your shoulders but if you do not want to lose him I’d try and maybe distance for a few and try to focus on something else to redirect those feelings a bit.


Amecia • Jun 18, 2021
Thanks boo! 😇


Makayla • Jun 18, 2021
Yeah girl of course! I would take time to think about it because who knows these feelings could go away. Good luck 💕


Amecia • Jun 18, 2021
Thank you for this input. I’m deff going to think about that


Posted at
I abhorred those times! I watched my best friend go through several girlfriends… I stayed his best friend, even through horrible stories about how they went camping, and did this and that and this together *gush-gush-gush* 🙁☹️😔.. It was killing me. I figured it just wasn’t meant to be. I never said anything to him about it I figured, maybe I was put in this life just to help him through the hard times he would have…I loved him because of who he was and excepted everything that he did in his life and just tried being there for him when he got hurt. Three years later we’re married… 😶🤔 💍 Weird AF. MHO, God knows what he’s doing and he knows how to direct us ❤️ ... also also, also,.. HE Ended up making the first move. Turns out he felt the same way.. 🤪


Amecia • Jun 18, 2021
I almost cried reading this. Honestly so happy for you and this gives me a bit of hope 🥺😭❤️


Posted at
Maybe if he becomes single in the future, you can share your feelings. But have no expectations though..


Amecia • Jun 18, 2021
Right! I think this is a good idea. Like if I still feel the same way later when/if he’s single


Posted at
If you’re going to tell him how you feel, be ready to give him some space. It’s not fair to ask him to end his current relationship and telling him how you feel is disrespectful to the girl he’s with. But if you think it’s something you need to say my advice would be to stress that there isn’t any pressure to do anything and ask what he needs to feel comfortable. If I were his gf I wouldn’t be super comfortable with you two hanging out all the time anymore. If you respect the relationship he’s in and want to stay friends, I would wait it out until they break up (it sounds like he’s not in it for the long haul anyways). Good luck and I hope it all works out💞


Amecia • Jun 19, 2021
Great advice! Thank you 💗 I definitely think I just wanna wait it out


Posted at
I had a similar experience, years ago, I had a best friend and he started having feelings for me but I was in love with my ex, he didn't take it right and we are no longer friends, he literally ghosted me and it was a terrible experience considering we were friends since high school. Anyway if you want to tell him what you feel do it, but be ready to the possibility that things in between you won't be the same.


Amecia • Jun 18, 2021
Thank you for sharing that experience with me! I’m sorry that happened though ☹️


Posted at
I honestly think it would be best if you keep it to yourself right now. Maybe try to take your mind off him by focusing on yourself. Don’t focus on getting rid of your feelings either because that just makes it worse. Instead try to focus on self love first. It really switches the attention away from him and focuses on yourself instead.


Posted at
If you don’t think u will be able to get over him, tell him. If you think you are in love with him (whatever love might mean to you) tell him. If telling him will bring u peace, despite the fact he might not feel the same way back, tell him. If he was in a happy, long term, solid relationship, different story. If you don’t tell him, you will regret it for a long, long time.I’m not necessarily correct, this is just my opinion. In this world, always be kind, but not at the expense of your own heart. This advice only applies to you if you LOVE him. If it’s a crush, let go, and move on. If it’s meant to be, it will be.


Posted at
I would leave it alone. For now. Let it play out. Your feeling may subside and sometimes people make great friends about are horrible as romantic partners.If it didn’t work the first time it probably won’t work the second time. Let it play out. He’s obviously conflicted and unsure what he wants. If they break up and you’re still available and feeling the same maybe slowly bring it up. But honestly if this feeling grows and keeps nagging at you and his relationship doesn’t sound like it’s working out just be honest about your own feelings. Don’t try to break them up but there’s a point where if you’re feelings grow it’s best to be honest and risk loosing him as a friend if he doesn’t feel the same. You don’t wanna sit there “friendzoned” watching them get married while you sit on your feelings. If he doesn’t feel the same move on period.


Mc • Jun 19, 2021
Yup! Sorry it was a long complicated response. Hope everything works out!


Amecia • Jun 19, 2021
I think this is my favorite response. Thank you so much!