Father Relationships

I moved out in the beginning of the year in January. My dad was furious about me moving in with my bf and guilt tripping me, being racists towards my bf saying "I'm afraid if he gets shot, it will miss him and shoot you instead". My boyfriend is a fire fighter btw and a mixed black man. He was guilt tripping me about not joining forces with him in managing his property. Btw I have never lived with him, I've always lived with my mom. Also bringing up my disability when talking about a college I'm going to but then suggesting I go do something else that's "easier".

Anyways long story short , he told me I can free myself from any residual dependency on him and that I should start paying my own phone bill. Except when I've tried paying my own phone bill along with the family bill he just got kind of annoyed. I removed myself from my dad's plan and was communicating with him letting him know that I would need him to assist me since he was the account holder but he would ignore all my texts messages and instead go through my mom to communicate. I ended up changing my phone number in the end and had already told him I would be doing that.

Then he says that "after you stole the phone". 🙄 I haven't communicated with him since February - march. My mom was telling me to reach out and forgive him since we're the christians and we forgive others even if he isn't the same way and I'm only in control of what I do and my boyfriend too was insisting I get a hold of my dad to maintain our relationship. It's father's day so I decided to send him a message and this is what he replies.

The saddest part is that when we first talked about everything before I moved out, he told me "I love you no matter what if you need me just call me". He was asking me about my plans for the future and I told him all about my plans for my career and everything was fine but obviously it's not because he decided he still wasn't okay with it. It felt that it went in one ear and out the other because afterwards he was still upset asking me that he wants to sit down and talk about my plans for the future again and asking me what does your boyfriend have planned for you when you move in?? Anyways happy father's day to all the father's out there. I needed to vent about this particular situation hoping that the outcome would be a little bit better than it was before especially after a good while of not talking to one another.