I lost my firstborn baby girl at 24 weeks 2 days a week after Pfizer vaccine shot

Iqra 🌈 • Lost my baby girl at 24 weeks (Anamta 👼) 25/06/2021 Rainbow baby Inaya 23/05/2022 Missed miscarriage 28/09/2023

On 24th june i wokeup and felt something wrong my baby was not moving my abdomen was hard. Suddenly i started bleeding and was moved to nearby hospital. They performed a scan and said everything is fine her heartbeat was ok but within an hour i bled so heavily that my baby’s heart stopped and things got out of hand. My blood was so thin that they couldn’t stop bleeding. I almost died. They gave me blood and plasma then moved me to another hospital where they tried to stabilise me then induced me on 25th june and i delivered my baby. The reason for what happened is still unknown. Both me and baby were doing fine before this vaccine shot But the doctors are not admitting it’s because of vaccine. I am sharing my story because i don’t want any other mom to lose their baby