Chest pain after first Pfizer vaccine?

I posted this question already today but I think I forgot to add a few things so - I’m 33 weeks pregnant and got my first vaccine 4 days ago. Well yesterday random sharp pains started in the left side of my chest and neck and arm. Only left side. I got the shot on my left arm.

It ended up hurting to breathe so I went to er and spent 4 hours there doing x ray, 3 blood tests one was for blood clots and ekg. It all came back normal. They said my heart rate was 115 and my bp was high the first time they checked it. They sent me home and said rest, take Tylenol , and that it was probably cacccine related. Well I got home at 2am and was still in pain. It would go away and get more achy and then turn back into sharp pains again randomly. Well I can’t lay on my left side without the sharp pains in my chest coming back. So all night I was tossing and turning and it just feels worse when laying down at all. I called my OB and they got me in tomorrow. I am just worried and want this pain to go away. I also have a headache and just all around feel weird kind of dizzy.