Need help 😢😢

So me and my husband broke up it’s been 7month 😢😢 I love him so much but he doesn’t care anymore 😢😢 it’s breaks my heart I really love him and just want him back 💔😢 what can I do to make him miss me or make him talk to me 😢😢 he said it over through the phone but he won’t say it when we face to face 😢 I asked him if he has been with someone or if he’s seeing someone but he get really angry and won’t answer to my questions.. he said I’m the problem that I love to control his life even tho he’s on drugs and chooses his friends and drugs over his family we have a daughter together but it’s seems like he doesn’t care about her ether sometimes he calls her and says he loves to so much but he doesn’t make an effort to see her or to be with her 😢 everyone told me to let go but I don’t know how to let go I don’t know how I can live my life with out him I can’t imagine him being with someone else and throwing away the life we had. I know I made mistakes and a big ones but I’m just a human everyone makes mistakes but I’m willing to change and I did but he won’t see it he said I didn’t change I know I did 😢😢 i just want my family back I know he still has feelings for me but the drugs are overtaking him and his friends he never had time for us he never made an effort I beg him to come back I tried everything but nothing has helped 💔😢 I’m so heart broken I can’t sleep at night his on my mind 24/7 I just can’t help my self I don’t know what else I could do to just move on with my life. I’m 26 and he’s been the first man I’ve been with never been with anyone else me and I can’t imagine being with someone else. I just need some help 😢😢😢😢💔💔💔😢😢😔😔😔 and it will be anniversary this month 😢😢😢😢