Dear A,

I hate that I feel confused on how to words this.

I hate that we stop talking, I hate that you lied to me. I hate that Everytime I thought we were good. And that this time it was different something always happens.

But if we never stop talking, if u never lied. If things had gone that route… I would never had my amazing son. If we would of worked out. I probably would be living in an apartment near you, still being kept a secret.. I probably would still be getting cheated on. You probably would still be going club with your brothers. And telling me how girls had been all over u all night long. Oh lord, I probably be pregnant or had a kid with u already 🙄. Lord Jesus I would of been Stuck with your for the rest of my life. 🤣 shit, nvm I lied! I don’t I’ve ever been more grateful.