Im talking to this girl

Im talking to a girl that is in a relationship with a guy that wanted to date me but lied that he was in a relationship with her… that happened like 4 years ago. And somehow the girl and I stayed connected…but now I’m realizing I don’t want to be in contact with her..she messages me every day all day to talk…she constantly wants to know everything..for example I took a far away mirror selfie she immediately messaged me and asked me where I got my phone case, I told her and hours later she sends a screenshot of the exact case and says we’re gonna be twins…🤦🏻‍♀️ another time she asked what straightener i used and I told her, I got it as a gift and it was pretty pricey and next day she messages and says she bought it…she asks for everything I use all the way down to my nail polish. It’s getting super annoying.. and if I respond with short sentences she asks why I’m being dry. She wants pics of everything every detail and I’m getting tired and irritated and annoyed. One time I left her on read on Instagram and she texted me multiple times and called me because I didn’t answer her message. She messages me for everything I post and I want to cut her out of my life. I have no need for this, but I don’t want to be rude. What do I do? Or should I just block her on everything?