He doesn’t understand

I’m 30 with one child my spouse is 36 with zero children. He does want a child but says he isn’t ready and wants to wait a few years. I try to explain to him I don’t want to be having another child at 33. Not that there is anything wrong with it, it’s just isn’t what I want. My child is 2 years old. I loved and enjoyed being pregnant but I don’t want to be having another one at 33/34 and he will be almost 40. I try to explain my reasons and risk and he just says well I want a son one day but idk when. I have always told myself I don’t want anymore after 31 and want my tubes tied. He always says he need at least 10 thousand saved before having a baby. I did not have that saved when I had my child and she has a great life is extra spoiled 😬 and I give her and show her so much love and affection I adore ever little/big detail about her. He had a extra rough/ terrible struggle childhood so I understand but I’m like we both work have good paying jobs and have a decent amount in saving for a rainy day. He wants a baby fund which I get but he just doesn’t understand me not at all. My baby was 12lbs had a c section, baby was 3 days late, I was in awful pain from a 3 min walk the last 3 months I was pregnant,I had to have emergency surgery two hours after having the baby because of I was bleeding to much. He just don’t understand how I can get him to understand where I stand. He does treat my child really good they always being goofy together.