Hi moms! Question for the moms who formula feed!! Please read


As of Monday 7/12/21 my son was switched to nutramigen formula because he’s pediatrician since he could be allergic to cows milk that’s in similac advance. To be honest my son is barely drinking the new formula. He drinks about 4oz and that’s in one hour. When he was on similac he would drink the milk quickly and want more. My question is how did you know your little one of their on Nutramigen was cow allergic? Poop signs? Any rashes?? Please I’m so close in switching back to similac. I feel like he’s going to start losing weight. He’s going to be one month old on the 19th of this month.

Im so sorry did the poopy images but please let me knows what you moms think! I’m stressing out.

This is my son’s poop now on the new formula

And this was his poop before while on similac advance