Dear parents


Please be careful with your kids. I work in a hospital in a pediatric unit. RSV is here. We’ve been starting out no less than 26 patients each morning, discharging maybe 3 to 4 kids (all day) while admitting at least 5 or more kids and this is just for day shift. More than half of these kids end up having RSV and out of that at least 8 to 10 will need to be on oxygen. In order to protect other kids, keep your kids home if they are sick, you could be putting an immune compromised child at risk and that kid could end up in the hospital. If you have kids in school or daycare make them keep their distance from babies that may be around. And of course wearing masks will help as well. If your kid does get sick, make sure they drink plenty of fluids, use a nose freida to get all that gunk out, and vaporizers help too. RSV doesn’t kill many kids but it can and I saw it happen. Please just be careful and do your part to help protect children. Us healthcare workers are tired and there’s a whole other strain of covid going around. Y’all be safe especially with school starting.