Vivid dreams 😒

Idk why but getting more into my pregnancy, my dreams have been so vivid lately. They been so irritating too. Literally I have dreams of people in my life and people idk I never seen before like a made up character. I have dreams of my family who is miles away and we are all acting like everything is normal but it’s not. My mom doesn’t like my husband because we had a point long ago where we had a break and she wanted me to move on. Not because anyone hurt anyone but just needed space to get our shit together. Whatever we had it and now better than ever. So it’s weird how my dreams will have my mom and my husband together. Sometimes I have dreams where my husband I catch him cheating like talking to another girl or texting or he’s disappeared. Now we have never cheated on each other nor have that doubt we will. I trust him fully and so does he. But these dreams, they are so vivid and I am so emotionally involved in it. Like in my dreams I literally feel me hitting him or grabbing him or the rage inside my blood just boils. I sometimes wake up crying and my husband grabs me and caresses me back to sleep. I tell him these dreams and he’s like that will never happen, stop thinking like that but literally I don’t! It’s just when I sleep, I can’t help what I dream. Sometimes we are at my parents house and I’m getting along with my mom. Boy do I miss my mom at times 🥺😢😔 but she decided to not show me motherly love anymore because of who I decided to marry, spend my life with and have kids with. Everyone else in my family is fine with us just her. Which sucks. Anyways, why am I having these dreams? How do I stop? I never use to dream so much before but now they are intense and I feel them so emotionally like I can’t help it 😓