Anyone else just having a week? 😔


I’m 31 weeks and 3 days and this week is ROUGH emotionally. I’m not sure what is up with my emotions but they are so wacky. I’m realizing that I have not been making myself a priority at all. I’m not sure if that sounds selfish or not. But I literally have not done anything for myself in a long time. At this point I don’t even know what I like to do. I’m so focused on work and taking care of the people in my life that I’ve totally neglected doing what I love. What are some things you guys do that you love to do and help you feel like you are taken care of too?

I think I’m also just overwhelmed because I’m having a baby so soon. This is my first pregnancy and it hasn’t become real until now. I’m realizing how big he’s getting and he’s literally a human that’s about to come out of me. I mean it’s definitely amazing but so scary.