Monitoring & Low Fluid 35 Weeks


Sooo last week I had my 34 week appointment. I am notorious for pre term births/labor as well as low birth weight babies. I had a 36 weeker, 34 weeker, 35 weeker, and one that made it to 38 weeks. Anyways, I was told at my last week appointment my cervix is closed but im dilated to a 3 which was confusing lol. But basically she said my fluid was on the low side, so I was sent to labor and delivery for monitoring and then they also checked her fluid levels and blood flow from the cord.

Blood flow was good and in normal range, but they did say last week that my fluid is on the low side at 8 cm.

Then as we we were monitoring baby, I spontaneously started having contractions every 3 to 4 minutes. Which was odd because i barely felt them but the monitor was clearly picking them up. So they kept me for a couple hours, gave me iv fluids, had me drinking tons of water, and tested for any infection or uti which nothing came back positive or irregular but nothing stopped the contractions so i just got sent home and ive been still having contractions this past week. So im sure my cervix has opened and ive dilated more by now.

Anyways I have an appointment tomorrow doing the same things. And im thinking if my fluid dropped again ill be having my c section tomorrow. Any advice and has anybody else gone through this.