Whose watching your kids?

I have friends that have volunteered to watch my kids while I give birth to my newest baby. However my in-laws want to come watch them. The live 3 hours away and could very well get here in time, but I do not trust them for anything. They do not follow my/our rules and expectations that we ask them to do. My MIL intentionally does things she's knows I won't like just to be a... You know what. They don't watch them and my kids are 4 and 2. They need to be watched, not just free for all. She refuses to cut my littles food up because "she's a big girl and didn't need it". But she does! I may be a bit overly cautious but if it's what I want should she do what I ask? I'm more nervous about leaving my kids with my in-laws than I am having the baby!! But is it wrong too ask my friends to watch them over their grandparents? MIL is mean and yells at them. She even spanked my 4 year old and we don't spank. He does not like her. Ugh I'm so stressed over this. Maybe I'll just give birth at home so they don't need to come lol just needing to vent.