Bf scared of marriage ??


My boyfriend and I have recently been talking about marriage a lot. We actually planned to get married in September and then he backed out because he “has a gut feeling”. He says he’s not ready to get married because he isn’t financially stable (keep that in mind), and he feels like he needs to work on himself to be better for me.. yet he says “we can still get engaged and live together”.

I’m so confused. I told him it makes absolutely zero sense for him to say he isn’t financially stable enough to get married but he can still get a place w me ? We’ve been together for two years (he’s 23 and I’m 21) and now I’m second guessing our relationship. I want to get married one day and at this point I know I want to marry him and he says he knows I’m the one but yet it just seems like he isn’t ready to commit to marriage ?

I also feel like it would just be disrespectful to myself to move in with him without him marrying me first because I want marriage and I feel like i would be giving in and saying nah you don’t have to marry me, if I moved in with him now.
