New to AA…


I’ve been hanging out with a new guy friend for the past few months. We’ve become great friends and hopefully things will turn into more. He’s such a great guy and I really like him. Fingers crossed :) He’s told me from the beginning that he’s in AA and that he’s going on 3 years sober. I’m so proud of him! He’s the first person I’ve really ever had a personal relationship with who’s in AA and sober. Growing up I knew of people who were or were friends of my parents or acquaintances but I’ve never really been in this close of a relationship and I just really don’t know the “culture” for lack of a better word. He tells me things and has taught me a lot but it’s all new to me. That may sound dumb or naive but I’ve just never really been around this if that makes sense. Friday the 23rd is his 3 years. I want to let him know I care and I’m excited for him and proud of him. I want to say “congratulations” but I don’t know if that’s the right thing to say. Please help me :) What should I tell him? I don’t really know his story either. He hasn’t shared his story or anything with me other than he’s in AA, going on 3 years sober, always goes to his meetings, meets and works well with his sponsor and he also has a new sponsee. He does talk about it a lot and does share things with me so I’m happy he feels comfortable with me to do so. Just want to tell him but don’t know what to say. He’s celebrating with his parents, I do know that much. Anyway any help would be much appreciated. I just want to do it right. I don’t want to say the wrong thing or something I shouldn’t…I don’t know what is appropriate. And maybe I’m way overthinking this haha 😁 Thanks in advance!