Transfer and stress


Hey everyone!

I had second FET on the 21st. Everyone was so positive and joking around. It was such a great experience. I really felt positive leaving there with my picture of my little embryo. I told myself that this time I wouldn’t stress the little feelings I got or symptom spot.

Yesterday my husband went to the hospital and was admitted for possible heart attack. You could say that the no stress part went right out the window.

This morning I woke up to get everything ready to head back to the hospital (they wouldn’t let me stay with him) and I realized I don’t feel that “connection” anymore. I just feel like my body is sore and nothing is there anymore. Hopefully that all makes sense to y’all. I’m really trying to stay positive. This is our last shot. Maybe I’m just spent.

Maybe I’m not alone in this? I’m usually I pretty tough person, but these hormones have me a mess.

Sorry if this was whiny. Anyways, y’all are the best and wish you luck along your journey.