38 + 1 - bloody discharge

Looking for insight! Sorry for the TMI pictures. 😬

I was in L&D in the 35th week for contractions. I was 0 cm dilated and 50% effaced. I was checked again at 36 and 37 weeks and was still at a 0 and 50% effaced. At my appointment today, she checked me and I was a 1 cm dilated, 50% effaced, and baby was at a -2 station. We talked a lot about how I am SO done with pregnancy. My body hurts so bad! With my first, my water spontaneously broke at 37 + 2 and we are happy and shocked to have made it to the 38th week! I didn’t ask her to strip my membranes, however I’m wondering if she did (I would be so happy if she did haha). I’ve been bleeding since the check which I haven’t before after I’ve been checked!

I know bleeding can be normal after being checked, but is this a cause for concern? Do you consider this normal? The first picture is the first trip to the bathroom since getting home, second is the second and third is the last- all within 3.5 hours.

Thanks mamas! This is all so new to me. Even though my water broke with my first pregnancy, I didn’t experience contractions, losing a mucus plug/bloody show. Baby girl was breech so I had a c section with her. I’m trying for a VBAC this time!