What does this mean?

So a little while back I told my boyfriend that I love him. I didn’t say the regular way I said “alot of people love you including me”. He didn’t say anything back after I said it and he just gave me a big hug. I spoke to two of his friends who I am also friends with and told them what happened and they explained to me that the last time he told a girl he loved her she broke his heart and that they can tell he loves me but he isn’t ready to say it yet. I just spoke to another one of his childhood friends today and she said “don’t worry he loves you” and i explained to her how he hasn’t said it yet because he’s not ready. And she asked him and he told her that he’s not ready to say it. She also said she feels like he loves me but that hes scared to say it. He always shows love, affection and care to me but it got me thinking more and worrying since i have anxiety, what does that mean? Does he love me but he’s just not ready because he’s scared he will get hurt again?