Playpen or Cot?


I’m going to be traveling soon with my almost 2 year old. He sleeps great at home when he’s in his crib but no so well when we are away from home. He will NOT sleep in bed with us, even as a newborn he’d cry if I held him so he seems to need his space. If I put him in a playpen he cries and I have to lay right next to him. I’m wondering if he might sleep better in a cot? Our trip is a week long, we’ve only ever done 2 nights from home and by the end I was exhausted and tearing my hair out because he just wouldn’t sleep and fussed all night long the last night because he was so overtired. As soon as we got home our last day from our most recent trip he passed right out and slept like 5 hours for his nap 😂