Trouble Sleeping

Lillian • 9.5.19 💍 2.15.20 👰🏻‍♀️ 4.19.21 👶🏻 6.19.23🤰🏻

Is anyone else dealing with possible sleep regression now? My baby just turned three months old and he’s decided he doesn’t need to nap anymore and it’s such a struggle to get him to take even two naps a day (he used to take like six naps a day). He gets so tired and cranky and he looks at me with these sad little eyes and screams his “tired” scream but he won’t sleep. And it drives me crazy! I feel like such a bad mom. Nothing works. Rocking, feeding, reading books, outing him under the fan, swinging, or music. And just when I’m about to break down and start crying he’ll nuzzle into my neck and fall asleep. This happens before every nap and bedtime. Any suggestion/stories would be welcome!