I saw this guy from my college

I went to college with my twin brother. He was in a fraternity and this boy in his house who I will call Zach was such a really dude. It was always catcalling the girls including me. During our sexual assault seminar he was laughing and making rape.jokes. He was the worst. For.summer break before we all went home me, my boyfriend at the time, my bestie, my brother, his bestie, amd and ticking Zach were all going to a hotel and for a music festival for the weekend before.we. all went home. Zach was being douchy on the way there and talking about.how my best friend has a small ass. After we got there he was.pretty quiet. The boys were all.sleeping in one hotel room. For some reason I had a feeling to go check on my brother. I went to there room which opened slightly because of a jacket. My brother hates using his hotel key so he just used his jacket to keep it open. I opened the door and these hotels have balconies and Zach is standing on the other side of the balcony like he's gonna jump. I ran towards him and told him to stop. He was crying and telling me to go away. I begged.him to come down and told him to think about his family. He laughed and said his family doesn't care and he would rather die than go back home. He then told me his step dad sexually abuses him and he can not take it anymore. I held his hand and told him my sexual abuse stpry and if he kills himself his step dad wims. I then asked him to come over the balcony plz. He cried but came over. We talked a lot that night. I didn't see him at college anymore after that summer but I followed him on Facebook and he was doing good. I saw Him yesterday after 7 years at target. He has gotten chubby and said hi to me and we caught up. Zach doesn't seem like that old awhile frat boy. He seems genuinely happy. I have him my # and told him to text or call sometime. He asked me to dinmer today☺

Edit: If someone being sexually abused means they'll be a rapist you're pretty much saying I'll be a rapist. He needed someone to be there for him and I was. He's happier and in a much better place. Granted he no longer associates with his family but he's happier that way.