Cycle abnormal and clot? Miscarriage??

I’ll start my saying my husband was snipped in October and all his follow up tests have been negative for swimmers.

I have always had a very regular period, with the exception of the last few year having a cyst, it’s been a couple days early or late but never more irregular than that. I finished my period last Thursday (9 days ago). However on Monday I had spotting. Tuesday was a light-regular tampon day, and Wednesday spotting. Now today (Saturday) I just went #2, and looked into the toilet to see a blood clot dangling. WTF. I wiped, and was sketched out by what I saw so I took a pic. Does this look like miscarriage tissue?? I haven’t had anything bigger than this besides what the tampon caught Tuesday.

I know pregnancies after vasectomies are ✨ possible ✨. Usually I have immediate symptoms of rage, sore breasts, and a couple other things. I haven’t felt any symptoms. Should I be worried about other health concerns? I feel like I would feel better if my husband was not snipped and I could more rely on it being a loss.