First time mom


First time mom here and man oh man is it getting harder to do things or what? Shaving has become an Olympic sport. Sleeping is becoming non existent. Emotions are all over the place almost every single day now. This little bundle of joy in my tummy is so active all the time. Don't get me wrong I love when this little boy is active but he needs to not have a party when I am trying to sleep. Restless legs are the worst when you start sleeping good. Heart burn is legit so bad even after taking tums. Constipation is so real and sucks. Pregnancy is definitely a beautiful thing but lots of things that come with being pregnant can be really hard. But all of it will be worth it when you first hold your baby in your arms and I can't wait for that special moment. Being a first time mom is really scary not knowing a lot and have lots to learn. Please if you have any tips or anything please do leave a comment! Anything is helpful at this point.