Can anyone relate?


Hey everyone, I’ve posted quite a bit over the past 2 weeks but it’s been quite the journey so far..

Long story short i keep getting sporadic spotting / bloody discharge, this started at 4 weeks & is still occurring now at 6 weeks 😰 When i have the spotting i get cramps but usually in a day or two it stops and I’m fine again. I had an early scan at 5w5d and we saw the baby (although no heartbeat but i think that’s because the scan was abdominal)

I’m just so confused what’s going on, my hcg is climbing nicely, i have plenty of symptoms now too. Has anyone had this happen? I’m just so scared of all the random bleeding, it literally ranges from light watery brown discharge to redish-brown thick discharge 😬 This is my rainbow baby & honestly all I want is for this baby to be ok 🥺❤️ (image is of most recent random discharge which after this turned watery brown and has stopped - which seems to be the typical pattern)