Can anyone relate?



Hey everyone, I’ve posted quite a bit over the past 2 weeks but it’s been quite the journey so far..

Long story short i keep getting sporadic spotting / bloody discharge, this started at 4 weeks & is still occurring now at 6 weeks 😰 When i have the spotting i get cramps but usually in a day or two it stops and I’m fine again. I had an early scan at 5w5d and we saw the baby (although no heartbeat but i think that’s because the scan was abdominal)

I’m just so confused what’s going on, my hcg is climbing nicely, i have plenty of symptoms now too. Has anyone had this happen? I’m just so scared of all the random bleeding, it literally ranges from light watery brown discharge to redish-brown thick discharge 😬 This is my rainbow baby & honestly all I want is for this baby to be ok 🥺❤️ (image is of most recent random discharge which after this turned watery brown and has stopped - which seems to be the typical pattern)

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I had a bunch of scary bleeding including clots during my whole pregancy ... ended up getting a late cerclage which caused spotting as well. My baby is now a healthy 5 month old thank God. I had a bunch of hospital visits out of paranoia but everything was always fine and normal. As long as you dont have any pain and other weird symptoms you and baby should be fine but I would definitely call and let your doctor know or get a better ulatrsound done.


Ocean • Jul 25, 2021
You're welcome. And I didnt get a heartbeat until around 6 weeks almost 7. Just stay positive. If you've miscarried before it's easy to think the worse everytime and I cant say it eases but just enjoy the pregnancy. ❤


Cl • Jul 25, 2021
Thank you so so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I think I’ll call my midwife & doctor tomorrow and see if i can get another scan done, I’m only 6 weeks today though so I don’t know if that’s far enough along to see a heartbeat


Ocean • Jul 25, 2021
I am praying a healthy pregnancy delivery and baby for you


Posted at
I bleed from weeks 5-11 (now actually) and it is as a subchorionic hematoma that the drs didn’t see at first. Baby is doing great last we checked!


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Bleeding is not normal but is also very common and doesn’t mean somethings wrong (like I thought until it happened to me) bled from 6 weeks to 9 and have a healthy 2 year old baby boy! Did they check your progesterone levels? That was the cause for my first bleeding which was brown and slowly turned to red until I was put on Progesterone supplements. Then I also had a subchronic hemorrhage that also completely came out at 9 weeks and that was really scary even after getting a perfect ultrasound that day! Take it easy, and relax stress is a terrible thing. Praying for a healthy stress less pregnancy for you 🙏🏼


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Any advice or experience is very much so needed 🥺🙏🏼