My personal vagina preference

Tmi obv but I like my whole pubic area and vagina and all that down stairs the only thing is that I was wondering how to lighten it up like the vagina and anus area. I know there is bleach or something I could get done professionally but idk where? Or maybe it would be better to buy something and do it at home. It's something I really want to do and have thought about for years so I'm not looking for someone to talk me out of it lol. I was told that tanning may help even the skin tone so it'll match up with everything else. Idk if there is a way to make it more pinky and like a "porn star" lol plz no hate I'm just trying to look into something that would make me feel good, that's all. I'm doing it for myself and sure my husband would like it but he loves me either way so I'm doing it for me not anyone else