Pubic Symphysis Dysfunction aka Hip Groin and Pubic bone Pain


I’m 25 weeks and 3 days. I’ve had on and off hip pain since 23 weeks and mentioned it at My last appointment and was told there’s nothing they can really do for it. I had this with my middle two babies but not until later on in the pregnancy. I have a message into my doctor asking for a script for pelvic floor physical therapy and also for a DME or some kind of support. But I definitely over did it this weekend cleaning and have been having bad hip and groin and low back pain since Saturday. It’s horrible. Any tips or tricks for relief for now before I hear back from the doc? I tried a hot shower. I had my boyfriend massage my low back/ hips last night. I sleep with two pillows between my legs to help align my hips. Still standing from sitting, rolling over while laying down, putting on pants. Excruciating pain.