3 Month Old “Napping Schedule”


Hey mamas!

Wanting to know what your day to day is like with your 3 month old and how you’re putting them down for naps? My LO is EBF and I’m finding it hard to get her down for naps without holding her. I’m a firm believer in nursing to sleep- it’s natural and I’m fine with it being used as a sleep tool for right now. I have a older kiddo who I did the same for- but she would go right back to sleep after I unlatched her and put her down in the crib. It’s getting my 3 month old to stay asleep after I unlatch her and put her down that’s the problem.

To add: She’s a fantastic sleeper at night- nurses at 8:30pm and when I put her down she’s out like a light until 6am. It’s the day time naps that we struggle with.
