Just a low line placenta now!!


We are now out of the hospital after a 2.5 month stay. At 21 weeks i started bleeding( determined placenta previa) i was sent home and told my placenta is now just a low line and no longer a previa. Had my ultrasound on the 20th and due to my AGE (44) and my gestational diabetes they recommend a c-section for 37-38 weeks. One last ultrasound aug 3 to see if just that last piece of placenta will move for a vaginal delivery. Just staying open and positive. Im scared of c-sections only because i have never had one before but trying to keep in mind whatever is best for baby. Regardless i am so happy and blessed we made it this far from 21 weeks to 35 weeks day! All i can say is thank the Lord! My baby boy will be here soon! ❤️
