My father is so toxic. i hate being around him.

Hello, i just really need to rant. I am 19 and currently live with my parents because I am in school. but i’m so miserable being there because of my dad. my mom pays for EVERYTHING while my dad just sits at home (he hasn’t had a year job in probably 5 years), collects unemployment, but even than he doesn’t help out with anything. although he is my father and i will always love him, i have no respect for him because he doesn’t help out at all but loves to be “in control” although, like i said he doesn’t pay for anything so my mom says he doesn’t have authority. I wash my own laundry, dishes, clean my own room, and do everything i possibly can on my part but he still always finds something to complain about. Yesterday I washed my comforter and sheets, than after they were washed I washed a load of clothes. My comforter takes like 4 dryer cycles to dry because it’s so thick, so all in all it takes about 3-4 hours to dry it completely. i didn’t think about that before i started my other clothes but since i didn’t want to let my comforter sit out when it’s still wet, i left my wet clothes in the washer until it was. I got bitched out about it because “i left my wet clothes in there for 2 days” when it was a couple hours. My mom told him that it had only be a couple hours and he immediately got mad and said “you never take my side” and got in his car and left.

i’ve been driving his car for 2 weeks because i’m looking for a new car, well i got one and now I’m on the wait list to get it registered and all of that. well 2 days ago i got home from school and he immediately got mad at me and was like “Do you really take your car keys with you!?” and i said Yes? because my house keys are on it. And he told me “that i needed to leave them there in case he wants to drive it” and i told him No because it doesn’t even have a tag yet, and when it does have a tag I will be driving it. It’s just insane to me because when i was first looking for a car it was “Oh you can drive my car!” because he doesn’t have anywhere to go and now all of a sudden it’s a huge problem, when he told me it was okay. So anyways i woke up this morning to go to school and found that he had hide his car keys from me, so I had to uber to school. Which is totally fine if he just told me “hey i don’t want you driving it anymore” but he didn’t, he just hid them from me and i couldn’t ask him about it anyways, because he was asleep on the couch.

that not even the last of it, it’s over stupid little stuff like using the microwave while he’s asleep on the couch ALL DAY. Like i’m supposed to just sneak around the house because he wants to sleep 24/7 and not ever do anything productive. he makes my life so miserable over the tiniest stupidest stuff and i just can’t wait to move out.