😭 Over it !

Sarah • Happily married 💍| 👧🏽 Aug.13 & 👧🏽 Nov.18 Aug. 21 👧🏾 Aug. 23 👶🏾 Oct. 24

I am only 36 + 1 today and I can’t take it anymore, these weeks feel like it’s going so slow 😭 I just want to go into labor and get this baby out! I am exhausted chasing my toddler around that throws major tantrums over anything! ( Literally anything) the littlest thing can set her off. I am sick and tired of yelling after my soon to be 8 year old that’s hungry every minute. I am just tired. I am an hour away from my parents so I hardly can drop them off I miss living close to my parents. It’s so hard doing all this being pregnant 😩 as I literally type this am in bed wrestling my 2 year old to take her nap . And this is an on going everyday thing for her it’s draining. And forget about them playing together to give me a break they play and it’s literally my 2 year old throwing a tantrum jumping on and attacking the 7 year old because she’s not doing what she likes or she wants a toy 😭 I pray this baby comes early.