Everyone keeps telling me to drink castor oil


I’m serious. I posted on my Instagram that I am still pregnant and the amount of women that told me castor oil sent them into labor is crazy. Maybe a dozen people in my area replying to one post all saying it worked for them. All saying they had their babies by the next day. One girl even drank it in her 36th week and it worked in 5 hours she was in labour...

Umm. I am absolutely terrified of trying this? I’ve seen some people on this app say it’s dangerous and a huge no-go but then I hear from so many women saying it worked right away, with no issues.

I just think w my luck id be one of the people it doesn’t work for and I’d just be violently cramping and vomiting and shitting myself. For nothing. But is that the only reason it’s dangerous? Vomit and diarrhea? Or is there more to it?

Will any of you be trying it?