Caught boyfriend on tinder


Caught boyfriend on tinder?

Hello all, I recently caught my boyfriend using the tinder app.


My boyfriend and I have been together for about a year and a couple months. These past 2 weeks have been filled with arguments pretty much everyday and we were both kind of second guessing whether or not we should stay together. I ended up wanting to make things work and he agreed.

The day after we agreed to make things work, i ended up finding the tinder app on his phone. He downloaded the app the day after we agreed to try to make things work. I confronted him about it and he didn’t try to hide it, he owned up to what he did. He said “I just needed confirmation that i didn’t feel anything when flirting with other people, I was not planning on meeting up with anyone” he went as far as to tell his family what he did. At this point I’m truly not sure, he’s never acted like this before, he’s never been sneaky at all. In fact he’s been totally against any disloyalty. Anyways, I’m not sure if starting over with him is the right thing to do

UPDATE: I deleted this app so long ago😭 I didn’t expect to see replies. Thank you guys :,)❤️!

Anyways, here’s an update: I ended up getting back together with him and I ended up up finding out some other things he did previous to me catching him on tinder. He was subscribed (paying money) to 10 diff porn sites, he was messaging girls on adult friend finder, his search internet bar was “adult meet ups” & “female escorts”, he was paying for/ messaging cam girls & only fans girls, i caught some gay porn he was watching (not judging him for this but some of our arguments would revolve around homophobia. Very stupid, I know) and to put the cherry on top, I found some other unsettling porn. (I was also super shocked to find this out bc our sex life was great, we had sex almost everyday)

After all of this was discovered, I STILL TRIED TO MAKE THINGS WORK!!! Constant arguing, way worse than before, my trust issues went from 0-100 I constantly felt the urge to check his phone. There were times he’d tell me it wasn’t that big of a deal since he didn’t physically cheat and just overall belittle my feelings. All of this lead me to wanting to take a break with him, he would show up at my house (only after arguments) to bring me presents, he would constantly call me / text me, if my location changed he would blow up my phone asking if I was with another guy, and then he’d tell me I’m not respecting his boundaries/ values bc I wanted space. So, I ended things completely.

I still kept in contact with him and I told him “maybe we could try again in the future but rn I want to remain friends” he agreed, but he still tried to get me to have sex with him kind of like friends with benefits (I’d agree to have sex with him but I never followed thru with it). One day, this guy I’ve known for a super long time asked me out on a date. My ex and I were fighting that day (after I dropped his things off at his house) so I happily accepted the date offer, fast forward to the end of the date it was around 12 in the morning and my ex forgot his wallet in my car after taking out all of his stuff so I texted him asking if he wanted me to drop it off, he texted me back saying “we have to talk, I witnessed something” I immediately knew he saw me on a date with another guy. Turns out, he followed me on the freeway with his friend in the car while he was flashing this illegal green flashlight at me on the highway, he basically saw everything. Crazy thing is, he didn’t have my location at all. I have no idea how he met up with his friend so fast and caught up to me on the freeway. Anyways, my parents started getting scared of him a bit so I completely blocked him on all social media. He showed up at my house the next day trying to walk in but that ended quickly. He then texted me “you’re so immature for handling things this way. I forgive you, but I’ll never forget” and that was all, I’m now in therapy for all of this lol. I don’t think he’ll ever come back and I hope he doesn’t.

sorry this update was super long! It took me a min to write it all out without breaking down, it’s been a month now since everything’s ended & I’m slowly starting to get back to my old self. If anyone reading this is debating whether to leave that shitty toxic guy, PLS DO ITTTT.