Armpit and nipple pain while pumping and bf


I am just wondering if anyone had this problem and what they did to solve it. I am bf but my baby has a hard time with it so I pump after every feed to fully empty my breast. We do this every 2 hours like the lactation consultant said. Anyway for over a week now I have been getting this sharp pain in my breast that goes up into my armpit. It's quite painful. And if that's not enough my nipples are so sore. They hurt if touched or bumped. Doesn't hurt while she is feeding or pumping though putting the pump on can hurt and if she bumps them it feels like someone is ripping them off! I have tried heat while pumping, cold after and nipple cream. But nothing is helping. It's been over week of the armpit pain and 2 weeks with the sore nipples. Am I doing something wrong? What should I do to fix this? Called doctor and they said they would call back so while waiting I thought I would see if anyone had a similar experience and what they did to fix it. TIA!