Baby turned 1 !


my parking lot baby turned 1 on the 28th and it’s bittersweet ❤️ to a few questions i may have , i started to have braxton hicks contractions around 6am , they felt like mild cramps so i honestly thought nothing of it. i was timing them on my timer like i always did but got bored quickly because they always lasted an hour before dying out. around 6:45 my boyfriend convinced me to call my mom as we had our oldest and i noticed some back pain , i called her , she showed up and we pretty much made our way down the flights of stairs at my apartment. Once we reached the bottom i felt the urge to push. me and my mom argued back and forth as she said my water hadn’t broken so i didn’t need to push. few seconds later my water broke and my body started pushing. i felt his head , i made it out of the building door and my body pushed again and by the time i made it into the parking lot my body pushed one more time and he came out. totally in at an hour and 20 mins worth of labour , active labour and pushing him out. it was absolutely insane and i still haven’t completely wrapped my head around it 1 year later. But he’s perfect and i love him so much ❤️o