Where should most of the time be spend? (Him)

So we currently rent with my husbands family. It’s a two floor place. Keep in mind his family is always downstairs. I am usually upstairs in the room bc I hate living here and downstairs I get so stressed out by the nasty smells that no one cleans and I don’t talk a lot so I just rather be upstairs doing my stuff but I do go downstairs to eat make luna and sometimes for a bit. My husband on the other side is downstairs most of the time. Like if we eat wait a bit then I go to the room he’ll stay downstairs more time go upstairs with me for a bit and then go again downstairs. It might not seem like a big deal BUT that makes us not have couples time alone. Like downstairs we can’t talk without his mom having to know everything and just watching us. When we’re in our room it’s the only time we can be alone. And not to mention his mom would say something if his upstairs for too long. Like they want him with them all the time and my husband is scared of his mom.

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