C section mommas


Hi mommas, I have a question. I literally had the worst birthing experience ever. 2 days of cervdil, foley balloon, Pitocin, peanut ball & 2 failed epidurals. I was also on magnesium so slows the process. My doctor broke my water. I dilated backwards. (4 long hard days of labor). I went from a 5 to like 4 1/2 almost 3.. he called it and took her by c section. They also left the 2nd epidural catheter in my back after all this.

I’ve had little bleeding, no clots and I can walk around fine. But when I lay on one side and try to get up ( I’m a bigger girl) it stings like I’m pulling a stitch or going to rip open. How did you guys clean these and deal with it? He told me shower and let the water and soap work my bandage off. But at this point I’m beyond scared.. any advice would help me . Please and thank you ❤️