High Risk for Trisomy 21 (NIPT)


I am currently 11 weeks 6 days with our rainbow baby and today the doctor called to let me know that we have a high risk of downs according to NIPT results. I’m trying my best not to worry as I know more testing must be done. The first step will be an ultrasound with MFM. I went through this with my now 7 year old son and he turned out to be fine with no abnormalities. I’m just nervous, I’m 34 years old so that’s why I did the test this time. I want things to be ok especially after what we went through with the miscarriage a few months ago. Praying for a healthy baby. Ladies if you have any positive stories you could share please do, it will help me get through until we can check things out on ultrasound. Not sure if I want to do amino or cvs due to the risk. I just don’t know what to do. Also, the baby is another boy ❤️