Body shaming


Tw* body shaming

Sidenote*Ik this isnt the group to post it on but its more active than any other one. If you have a suggested group that I can post it in please lmk*

Okay so im 5'5 and 125. The doctor said for my height im completely fine. My family always says i never eat and that im anorexic (my family is a bit bigger) i eat when i feel like it, when i was with my ex i weighed close to 150 from stress eating. But with the man im w now weve been together for almost 2 years and since then ive stopped eating none stop like i did with my ex because im happier. Everytime i go to a family event my mom makes me a plate even tho im completely capable of making my own so i will eat and im a picky eater and its always stuff i dont like so i don't eat it and my family always comes up to me like you need to eat some calories, put some meat on your bones, why arent you eating, you look anorexic. And with all that its put me into a depressive episode to where i barley want to eat because i either eat too much or not enough. Everytime i try to confront them abt them body shaming me they blow it off.