Needing advice

T • 🖤 👦🏼 👦🏼 👧 🖤

Some of you might already know my situation, I’m separated from my husband and we’re seeking a divorce. We have 2 children and I’m 34 weeks pregnant with our third baby.

I need some advice, things are so confusing I don’t know how to feel. I know we can’t be together, so much has changed over the last 5 months and I feel things have been done/lines have been crossed that we can’t go back on. That being said, I still love him… I love him with my entire heart and I always hope he’s safe and happy.

The thing is, we’re still really close, we talk everyday, we hangout together with the kids on his 2 visitation days a week (and any other time he wants to see them). We’ll all go to the beach together, or the movies… and if I try to decline he INSISTS he wants me there. He’s basically forcing me to have brunch with his parents and him and the kids tomorrow. He’s constantly doing little things for me that an almost ex husband doesn’t normally do. If I casually say I’m hungry in a text conversation he’s showing up with food 30 mins later. He asked me how I was doing tonight and I told him I had a really hard day and he was here 45 mins later to hug me, kiss my head and tell me he loves me and it’s all going to be ok. He tells me all the time that despite our marriage not working that he loves me and cherishes me and that I mean just as much to him as his own kids and he’ll always protect me.

I know this all probably sounds lovely and ideal but it’s confusing 😫 it makes it hard to fully move on and get over the divorce. Part of me likes it too. It makes me feel safe and taken care of and not so lonely. What the heck do I do ladies? Am I harming myself by allowing this closeness and affection? Or is it simply comfort in a difficult time and I should enjoy it? Any advice at all!