Sleep training disagreements

With our first daughter, we tried the cry it out method. During the time of our training with her, she was already a few months old. My parents were in town as they often came to visit just to see their granddaughter. My husband & I were always happy to have them. One night, we were letting our daughter cry. We only let her cry for about 15 min. Our room doors were closed. All of a sudden, the doors swung open & in come marching my mom with my dad trailing behind her. She was frantic & crying & saying we were abusing our child. My husband & I were shocked that they barged in & shocked at the words she said. She grabbed our daughter from the bassinet that was literally inches away from me & marched back downstairs. My mom had claimed that we were letting her cry for an hour. Not true… It had only been 15 minutes.

Last week, we had our son. My parents are back in town. We kept reiterating nicely & respectfully our desire to sleep train our son. He’s only 1 week & a half old so we’re not rushing it. We are trying to flip his Arcadian rhythm by making sure the daytime is bright & (safely) loud & making sure the night is dark & quiet. We’re also refraining from rocking & holding him while he is sleeping. I kindly asked my parents to place my son down once he falls asleep.

No matter how respectful I asked, they interpreted what I had asked & what I said by being hurtful. I had a conversation with my mom because she stormed off one day to go on a walk. I asked her what was wrong. And she said that I hurt her feelings & my dad’s feelings. I asked her what I did to hurt them & she brought up “I hope you don’t treat your in-laws this way” & she brought up my political views & what I’ve posted on social media… She went completely off topic. I kindly kept asking her what it was I did to hurt her & my dad specifically. She continued to say that what I said hurt her & my dad. I asked what I did or said. She said that I blamed them for why our first born was never sleep trained. I asked her if I pointed my fingers at them & actually blamed them. These were her words,”No, you didn’t, but I’m so many words you did.”

My mom is over emotional & couldn’t even think/talk straight during this conversation. She also brought up that incident when our daughter was only a few months old & she & my dad barged into our room. She said that my daughter was starving (which she wasn’t) & that they had to feed my daughter formula through a drinking straw. This got me upset because it was the first time I heard of them doing this. Even in my anger, I kept my composure during this conversation. I asked her why she never brought it up & she shrugged & said she was bringing it up now.

Anyone else’s mom/parents as crazy as mine are??