Feeling embarrassed of being pregnant ??

I’m due in October so only 10 more weeks to go the beginning of my pregnancy the dad ended up decided he wasn’t gonna be apart of our lives which made me really upset and so depressed and I still am about it .. I know there is nothing I can do I felt kind of embarrassed and just felt like shit that my baby isn’t going to have a dad and knowing how people will ask what about the dad and blah blah blah anyways I kept my pregnancy a secret from everyone including my mother who I live with for 6 months before I said anything I had a miscarriage before and I was scared of losing him on top of just feeling stupid and lonely for picking the wrong man for my baby there’s nothing that I want more than for him to have his dad in his life 💔so basically only my mom dad and grandma knew and my best friend well my families very excited and my mom keeps posting my pregnancy pictures even tho I haven’t even announced my pregnancy at all anywhere and people from my high school who follow my mom have texted me congratulating me which kind of made me upset Bcz I told her not to post about my pregnancy mainly Bcz i dont think it’s anyone’s business and I just feel like it’s bad luck tbh I feel so paranoid about everything Ik maybe I sound ungrateful but I just don’t want her posting me pregnant I’m happy that I’m gonna have my baby boy and he is a blessing especially after how heartbroken I was with losing my first baby but I feel like it’s not her place to show off even if she’s excited if I haven’t posted anything I said once she’s born she could post him and I wouldn’t care she says I’m just being superstitious and thinks I’m embarrassed of being pregnant idk I just hate that the first question people ask is are you married or is the dad around and it makes me feel like I’ve already failed has a mother and I just don’t feel happy pregnant I don’t think I was responsible and feel guilty tbh any opinions