Dealing with other kids being mean


Sorry I was unsure of what to make the topic of this post but anyhow, for the first time ever today, I experienced another little girl being straight up mean to my November babe 😞 for whatever reason, this girl seemed to have it out for my daughter. We were at my nephews birthday party and this is the first time we have ever met this girl and her parents. At first it started with her taking things away from my daughter, I would give my daughter another toy and told her it was okay, she could just play with this one but then she kept doing it and her parents just freaking stood there! I finally asked the mom if she could please speak with her daughter and removed my daughter from the little pool they were playing in and brought her to a different activity. All was good until this little girl came to the bouncy castle and was blocking my daughter from getting inside and then pushed her! I raised my voice (didn’t yell) and told her it’s not nice to push other people and that she just wanted to come in and play. Her mom ended up stepping in (thank goodness) but almost the entire time we were there, I had to keep moving my daughter to other things because this girl was just straight up mean and no matter what I said, this girl just straight up ignored me and her parents kept saying “kids are so funny” like no, she’s 5, my daughter isn’t even 2 yet. She should know better than to do the things she was doing and I don’t find it funny at all. It honestly made me so sad 😞 I know my daughter doesn’t fully understand but damn, I’m still worked up about it! I know how cruel this world can be and that this could possibly be the first of many mean encounters, I’m hoping I can teach my daughter to be confident, respectful, and get her through anything she may endure