So mad


My boyfriend told it was alright for him to pick me up from work (after closing hours). I got told I could leave at 11:50 so I could go home and sleep before opening the next day. I texted him saying I’m out early and he said on his way. I waited forty five minutes and never showed, no texts, no calls, no answering phone.I was worried something had happened to him. He lived less then 15 a way so I knew something was wrong. I get a ride from my uncle who’s close to my work and I get a text from my boyfriend saying he can’t pick me up. I try calling him cause for one I was glad he was okay and two I wanted a damn explanation cause I could’ve had an extra hour of sleep. No texts or calls for another twenty minutes. Over text I said how frustrated I was because I had to get a ride from a family member who has a job. He texted me saying that he started falling asleep at the wheel, went into ongoing traffic, got pulled over, got arrested. And what really takes the cake is that he acted like it was no big deal. I tell him he could’ve died and that I’ll figure out a ride situation for another time. He says that he’s fine to drive and that he was just tired from his week. I told him that I’d blame myself if anything happened to him and that it was my fault because I should’ve known better. I was closing, I was tired, hungry, and pissed off. I can see why he would be too. Do I even have the right to be mad? I’m pretty sure I won’t be aloud to see him and that out time together this weekend is gone. Im just glad I didn’t get a different phone call..